
Jeanine Ashdown - Photographer
I first picked up a camera at college, when film was king and so expensive to develop that you were very selective about what you shot, rattling off 700 photos was unheard of!! Thankfully the digital era means I can shoot as many photos as I want and it costs me nothing, other than my time, to discard half of them and pick out the ones I am truly happy with.
When our boys started riding moto x bikes 20 years ago, I got back into photography as a way of distracting myself from the ‘mad speeds and huge jumps’ that 4-year-olds tells you they are capable of!!
As they got older, they grew to understand that by taking me along as their ONLY pit crew member was a big mistake for cross country events, as often I would forget to come in and help them fuel up due to being out on the track taking photos of other people’s children – thank goodness for the awesome moto cross community who looked out for them when their father was away.
In those 20 years, I have been one of a number of Mums who have taken and posted photos of any number of sports, for kids to enjoy, capturing some memories for them and their families to look back on.
I have had the honor of being published in both Kiwirider and DRD magazines over the years. Most recently I was contacted by PirellimotoNZ to ask if they could use one of my Bel Ray cross country photos on their Instagram page!!
I enjoy all kinds of photography from fast and dirty to delicate flowers and street scenes.
Having been a staff member at Westpac for the last 15 years, I am also passionate about supporting the Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter and during the month of May, would ordinarily be shaking a bucket at Moto X events, hosted by the Huntly Moto X club.
It was awesome to be part of Westpac Chartwell and Thundercross Valley Dirt Bike Park’s fundraising day this year, alongside my equally passionate colleagues and to provide some fun photos of the day to Thundercross patrons.
Thundercross was the location for Lily & Quinn's dirt-biking adventure and our Wool Shed for their romantic date during Bachelorette NZ 2020
Nine of the Bachelors came to Thundercross with Lesina for a rugby game in our wetlands on Day 2 of Bachelorette NZ 2020.